Tuesday 23 February 2010

are you being served?

A bedraggeld old gent, with more than a whiff of sherry and urine about him, is pleading with Elsie at the till to let him into the changing room.

"I'm waiting to try these trousers on."

"I know sir but please... There's a young lady in there trying to squeeze herself into a Vivienne Westwood suit. Come out and give us a twirl luvvy... Are you sure that's buttoned up properly?It looks a bit...well I suppose that's what they call "the style" these days. "

"If she's going to be all day I'll try them on here..."

The gent drops his trousers in the middle of the shop and shuffles into his new ones. Elsie still manages to close the sale on the Vivienne Westwood suit.

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